Student Association

Not all of our activities link to your course. That’s because we understand how beneficial it is to have experiences outside of the curriculum. They can help your well-being and your growth as a person.

The BSA is part of our new access and participation initiatives.

Take a look at a few of our student-led associations and see how you can build your own BIMM experience.

  • Quiz Nights (including Tutors Vs. Students Quiz)
  • DJ Society
  • Five-a-side Football Tournaments
  • Bouldering Society
  • Skateboarding Society
  • Vinyl Club
  • LGBTQ+ Society
  • Women’s Society
  • Vegan Society

These student-led activities are a fantastic way for you to meet new and motivating people, gain valuable life skills and build your own BIMM experience.

Each year, a President and Committee are selected by the students at each college to run the BIMM Student Association (BSA). Together, they work with the colleges to continually improve the BIMM student experience.

There’s always something on the horizon to enrich your time at BIMM.


Kashi Chellen, Event Management - Brighton

"The BSA is an opportunity to give students a voice and an opportunity to create spaces to express and share their passions. Like societies at traditional unis, our associations cover aspects of student interest, including Vegan, LGBTQ+, Football, Musical Theatre, a particular favourite ‘Bad-BIMM-ton’ and many more! All you need is three people, a logo and to set up regular meetups. There’s also funding available for students to set up their meetings and put on events."
Kashi Chellen, Event Management

Ells Sivakumaran, Brighton Event Management student - BIMM Institute

“Get involved with societies and clubs at the BIMM Student Association and try anything whilst the chance is there.”
Ells Sivakumaran, Event Management Graduate

BIMM Berlin Student Assosiation Unison, with students sitting down

“I personally love the resources we have to create new things and the amazing, supportive community. Having such a close network in BIMM Music Institute motivates everyone to work together.”
BIMM Music Institute Berlin’s student-led group, Unison

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