In order to be the best, you need to learn from the best.
For over 35 years, we’ve prepared students for a bright future in the music industry. And we’re proud to have some of the music industry’s most experienced and talented lecturers on-board at every college to guide you on your journey towards a career you’ll love.
Have a look through our inspirational lecturers below and see who you’ll be studying under.
Johan Englund is a music producer and educator based in East Sussex and London. Before combining…
John Gallen teaches Music Production at BIMM. He has over 40 years of experience in sound…
Jono Gilmurray is the Course Leader of Music Production at BIMM Music Institute Bristol. He is…
Josh teaches Music Production at BIMM Music Institute Manchester. He has been a gigging musician for…
Josh is a seasoned music production lecturer and engineer. Having worked with iconic clients such as…
Lee is Course Leader for Music Production at BIMM Music Institute Manchester. With over 25 years…
Lorenzo holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Creative Musicianship from BIMM London and a Master…
Marco teaches Music Production at BIMM Music Institute Manchester. He worked for 12 years at Peter…
Mari teaches Music Production at BIMM Music Institute Bristol. She is a DJ, producer, record label owner,…